I misspelled sequel on purpose. Just to catch your eye. (smile)
I posted this video some time ago, but some said they could not get it to show up. Leave me comments if it still doesn't work. I'll re upload it....
The outro will be a summary of the album's motive. As I'm finishing this project, I'm learning that the problem never compares to the solution. I can see myself NOT struggling with the same issues that I've dealt with in this album. I can see myself looking at the album cover 5 years from now, thanking God for His faithfulness and listening to it as a reminder of my past pain. See, I need this pain. It's the only thing that keeps me connected to my past. And surely, old things are passing away...according to the scripture, they have passed away.... and all things are becoming new. But, never forget the day you gave up on God. The day you heard His voice and ignored Him. The day you broke every commandment simultaneously. We are truly nothing without the blood of Jesus Christ. So, as I continue to let this album WRITE Me, I am grateful that these proclivities (as Pastor Gray would call it) are not the end of me. As I looked in my Bible this morning, I was reminded of the surety of Romans 8:38-39. Nothing can separate me from Your Love, God. Thank Jesus for including me, shortcomings and all, in His infinite plan of salvation.
It says "video does not exist" :(